Xubuntu 22.10 Kinetic Kudu

A quick look at Xubuntu 22.10

At the Working Centre’s Computer Recycling Project we still install Xubuntu 20.04, codename: Focal Fossa, on almost all of the systems we refurbish. Xubuntu 20.04 was released to the public in April, 2020, making it 3 years old now. Xubuntu 20.04 is considered a Long Term Service (LTS) release, meaning it gets updates and support for 5 years (2025). Xubuntu 22.04 was released April of 2022. Xubuntu 22.04, codename: Jammy…

The software centre open and populated under Xubuntu 20.04

Xubuntu – Installing software using the Software program

Introduction If you’ve ever installed a program using Google Play on a cell phone, or the iTunes store on a iPhone or iPad, the Xubuntu “software” application will seem familiar. In versions of Xubuntu older than 20.04 the “software” program was more commonly known as the “software centre.” The actual file-name of the software program is gnome-software. This post was written with the assumption that Xubuntu 20.04 is still being…

I’ve been messing with the web site again

A couple of weeks ago I deactivated the old web site and spun up a “marketplace” version of Drupal. The site ended up being a hot mess. While I used to prefer using Drupal back in the Drupal 6 and 7 days, recent versions have just become so complex and heavy that they seem no different than WordPress.