Steam flatpak running on Linux Mint

Steam On Linux Mint 21.3 (Virginia)

Debian package over flatpak, but get it from Steam Moving from Xubuntu to Linux Mint XFCE was not as seemless as I’d hoped it would be. The last time I gave Linux Mint serious consideration was over 13 years ago when the Computer Recycling Project at The Working Centre was looking for a replacement for Ubuntu 10.04 (the next version would include the Unity desktop which wouldn’t run on a lot of our laptops at the time). ...

March 13, 2025 · 3 min
Handbrake video encoding software running under Xubuntu Linux

Lessons learned encoding media under linux

Hardware and Linux Distribution Differences This post covers a bunch of areas of media decoding and encoding that I’ve discovered over a number of years using Debian-based distributions like Xubuntu, and Linux Mint. Primarily I’ll cover some of the differences between Xubuntu and Linux Mint, how various hardware (CPUs and graphics cards) encode video, and some of the “gotchas” when it comes to different methods as they apply to Handbrake (software) and MakeMKV. ...

January 23, 2025 · 8 min
OpenJazz title screen

How to play Jazz Jackrabbit on Linux

Jazz Jackrabbit – an introduction Back in 1994 the World Wide Web (WWW) was just starting to catch on, mostly via a dial-up connection. Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) were starting to be on the way out, but at the time I was running a bulletin board for a local computer club. One of the attractions of bulletin board systems (besides online games/aka doors, message boards, and chatting) were the extensive “shareware” software collections. If you weren’t going to a computer store to buy software, you were probably calling a bulletin board to download shareware or freeware software. Shareware software became known as “try before you buy” software. In most cases software was fully functional, but limited in some way (for example: a game where you could play the first few levels, but if you wanted more, you had to send the shareware author money for the rest of the software). ...

January 17, 2025 · 5 min
The flatpak command

Why command line skills are important - Troubleshooting...

Introduction Recently I was checking out Youtube videos about a Linux-related program, and I came across a comment in one of the videos that I’ve seen before (I’m paraphrasing this to not identify the video or commenter): random comment on a Linux video: “Those commands don’t work. In Windows, you don’t have to write a book to install something. I’m going back to Windows.” The comment isn’t a question, but a statement: Linux is difficult, Windows is easier. ...

January 16, 2025 · 10 min
Llama 3.2 running in ollama

Simple Artificial Intelligence on Linux

Initial look at artificial intelligence We might be a bit late to the game, but I’ve started looking at what we need at the Computer Recycling Project to run artificial intelligence models locally (on the machine, versus on the server) under Linux. The Ollama project makes it very easy to install a number of artificial intelligence models under Linux. Once ollama is installed you can download a model by typing: ollama pull <model name> So if you wanted to pull Llama 3.2 you would type: ...

November 19, 2024 · 2 min
Linux Mint XFCE desktop

[Fix] Suspend doesn't work on Linux Mint XFCE Lenovo Yoga S1

Suspend doesn’t work on some Linux distributions – Lenovo Yoga S1 Our experience with Linux Mint XFCE has been pretty good so far at The Working Centre’s Computer Recycling Project, but we recently ran into an issue where a couple of Lenovo Yoga S1 laptops refused to suspend when the suspend button was clicked. Now before someone goes on about Linux, I want to point out a couple of things: ...

November 13, 2024 · 3 min
TrueNAS server dashboard

Our TrueNAS Server

It lives, it dies! Our new TrueNAS server is up, and all the hardware is working, but not without some hiccups on the way. After taking a lot longer to build than expect, I was so happy the other evening when I posted about the successful Power On Self Test (POST), and the new RAM (32GB) being properly detected. Exhausted at the end of the day I left the drives disconnected and the video card out. ...

September 27, 2024 · 6 min
Unpacking the NAS case

Building the NAS - hardware hiccups

Most of the hardware is assembled The past few weeks have been extremely busy, so I knew last night would probably be the only time I would get this week to work on the NAS. I’m glad I started building the NAS last night as it took much longer than anticipated. I finally finished the build at 10pm last night (and it’s still not quite complete). Fig 1. I used an Intel Core i3-7100 CPU for lower power consumption ...

September 25, 2024 · 6 min
A thinkpadLenovo ThinkPad that's in rough shape

Simple way to clean a Lenovo ThinkPad Case

Past Isopropyl is a great way to clean up a lot of plastic, but I found that while it’s helpful for removing grime, caked on stickers (Goo Gone), and other crud, it doesn’t always leave a nice finish. A few years back a volunteer at the Computer Recycling Project mentioned interning at a small computer store where they used Mr. Clean Magic Erasers to clean-up the top of ThinkPads. True to what he said, Mr. Clean Magic Erasers do seem to be a pretty good job on the top of ThinkPads. ...

August 16, 2024 · 2 min
Left - our media centre

Transitioning our KODI media centre

Moving more to a low-power solution Several months back I replaced the motherboard in the KODI media centre PC that sits in our living room. For many years our media centre has been rocking a Gigabyte motherboard with a second generation Core i7-2600 CPU. The Core i7-2600 came out in Q4 of 2010, making it almost 14 years old at the time I’m writing this. Still, it’s not a bad CPU. For several years it was the system I was compressing our movie collection on as the A8-5600K 4 core APU that was in my workstation (at the time) had about half the performance of the i7-2600. But about six months ago I replaced the CPU and motherboard with a still old, but more modern solution, a MSI motherboard and an Intel Core i3-7100. ...

August 15, 2024 · 7 min